John J. Kennell, Dvr.
Personal information
Age 19
Nationality British
Date / place of birth 1925, Islington, London, UK
Military information
Army Number T-14665291
Rank Dvr.
Function Driver
Platoon / Troop / Flight 2nd Platoon
Company / Squadron 250 Airborne Light Composite Company
Unit / Group Unknown
Division / Transport / Command 1st Airborne Division
Regiment Royal Army Service Corps
Death information
Died when 18-9-1944
Died where Ede
Spot Ginkel Heath
Map reference Unknown
Burial Location No known grave
Grave number Unknown
Miscellaneous information
Personal notes

Dvr Kennell�s remains were found on 17 September 2012 in a shallow field grave at Ginkel Heath near Ede and subsequently recovered by the Netherlands Army�s Recovery & Identification Unit. The identification of John Kennell was established through his 1944 Army dental treatment card in 2015. On 16 September, at 14.30 hrs, a re-interment ceremony took place with military honours by a burial party of the 13th Air Assault Support Regiment, Royal Logistics Corps (RLC) in the presence of his next of kin at the Arnhem-Oosterbeek War Cemetery.


John J. Kennell, Dvr.
Personal information
Age 19
Nationality British
Date / place of birth 1925, Islington, London, UK
Military information
Army Number T-14665291
Rank Dvr.
Function Driver
Platoon / Troop / Flight 2nd Platoon
Company / Squadron 250 Airborne Light Composite Company
Unit / Group Unknown
Division / Transport / Command 1st Airborne Division
Regiment Royal Army Service Corps
Death information
Died when 18-9-1944
Died where Ede
Spot Ginkel Heath
Map reference Unknown
Burial Location No known grave
Grave number Unknown
Miscellaneous information
Personal notes

Dvr Kennell�s remains were found on 17 September 2012 in a shallow field grave at Ginkel Heath near Ede and subsequently recovered by the Netherlands Army�s Recovery & Identification Unit. The identification of John Kennell was established through his 1944 Army dental treatment card in 2015. On 16 September, at 14.30 hrs, a re-interment ceremony took place with military honours by a burial party of the 13th Air Assault Support Regiment, Royal Logistics Corps (RLC) in the presence of his next of kin at the Arnhem-Oosterbeek War Cemetery.

Age: 21
Age: 23
United Kingdom
Age: 19
United Kingdom
Age: 24
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Age: 20
United Kingdom
Age: 22
United Kingdom
Age: 20
United Kingdom
Age: 37
United Kingdom
Age: 22
United Kingdom
Age: 19
United Kingdom
Age: 22
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Age: 30
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Age: 23
United Kingdom
Age: 23
United Kingdom