Brian A. Bebarfald, F/O
Personal information
Age 23
Nationality New Zealander
Date / place of birth 08-07-1921, Nelson, New Zealand
Genealogy Son of Harold Charles and Hilda Henrietta Bebarfald, Wanganui, Wellington, New Zealand.
Military information
Army Number 414953
Rank F/O
Function Pilot
Platoon / Troop / Flight Unknown
Company / Squadron 190 Squadron
Unit / Group Unknown
Division / Transport / Command Unknown
Regiment Royal New Zealand Air Force
Death information
Died when 21-9-1944
Died where Andelst
Spot Near the Veldstraat
Map reference Unknown
Burial location
Nijmegen, Jonkerbosch War Cemetery, Netherlands
Grave number 19-H-2
Graves overview
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While approaching Arnhem his Stirling LJ-881 was badly hit by FLAK but he flew on to the dropping zone. Containers and panniers had just been released when Messerschmitts attacked, setting the bomber on fire. As it began to integrate in the air Bebarfald gave the order to bail out but, in spite of his efforts at the controls, there was only time for two of his crew to escape before the machine crashed near the Veldstraat.


Brian A. Bebarfald, F/O
Personal information
Age 23
Nationality New Zealander
Date / place of birth 08-07-1921, Nelson, New Zealand
Genealogy Son of Harold Charles and Hilda Henrietta Bebarfald, Wanganui, Wellington, New Zealand.
Military information
Army Number 414953
Rank F/O
Function Pilot
Platoon / Troop / Flight Unknown
Company / Squadron 190 Squadron
Unit / Group Unknown
Division / Transport / Command Unknown
Regiment Royal New Zealand Air Force
Death information
Died when 21-9-1944
Died where Andelst
Spot Near the Veldstraat
Map reference Unknown
Burial location
Nijmegen, Jonkerbosch War Cemetery, Netherlands
Grave number 19-H-2
Graves overview
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Supplemental images
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Personal notes

While approaching Arnhem his Stirling LJ-881 was badly hit by FLAK but he flew on to the dropping zone. Containers and panniers had just been released when Messerschmitts attacked, setting the bomber on fire. As it began to integrate in the air Bebarfald gave the order to bail out but, in spite of his efforts at the controls, there was only time for two of his crew to escape before the machine crashed near the Veldstraat.

Age: 35
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