William Loney, L/Cpl.
Personal information
Age 26
Nationality British
Date / place of birth Unknown
Military information
Army Number 935393
Rank L/Cpl.
Function Rifleman
Platoon / Troop / Flight 7 Platoon
Company / Squadron C Company
Unit / Group 2nd Battalion 1st Parachute Brigade
Unit image
Division / Transport / Command 1st Airborne Division
Regiment Army Air Corps Parachute Regiment
Death information
Died when 17-9-1944
Died where Arnhem
Spot Unknown
Map reference Unknown
Burial Location No known grave
Grave number Unknown
Field grave image
Miscellaneous information
Personal notes

Photo below: 2 para's killed on Utrechtseweg at Arnhem. The man in the rear is believed to be L/Cpl Loney. In front Pte. Shipley.


William Loney, L/Cpl.
Personal information
Age 26
Nationality British
Date / place of birth Unknown
Military information
Army Number 935393
Rank L/Cpl.
Function Rifleman
Platoon / Troop / Flight 7 Platoon
Company / Squadron C Company
Unit / Group 2nd Battalion 1st Parachute Brigade
Unit image
Division / Transport / Command 1st Airborne Division
Regiment Army Air Corps Parachute Regiment
Death information
Died when 17-9-1944
Died where Arnhem
Spot Unknown
Map reference Unknown
Burial Location No known grave
Grave number Unknown
Field grave image
Miscellaneous information
Personal notes

Photo below: 2 para's killed on Utrechtseweg at Arnhem. The man in the rear is believed to be L/Cpl Loney. In front Pte. Shipley.

Age: 30
United Kingdom
Age: 25
United Kingdom
Age: 27
Age: 24
United Kingdom
Age: 23
United Kingdom
Age: 36
Age: 26
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Age: 24
United Kingdom
Age: 24
United Kingdom
Age: 26
United Kingdom
Age: 25
United Kingdom
Age: 29
United Kingdom
Age: 20
United Kingdom