Mark Azouz, WOff
Personal information
Age 22
Nationality British
Date / place of birth Unknown
Genealogy Son of Ralph and Esta Azouz, of Chiswick, Middlesex, U.K.
Military information
Army Number 1398796
Rank WOff
Function Pilot
Platoon / Troop / Flight Unknown
Company / Squadron 196 Squadron
Unit / Group Unknown
Division / Transport / Command Unknown
Regiment Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Distinguished Flying Cross
Death information
Died when 21-9-1944
Died where Niftrik
Spot Between Niftrik and Hernen
Map reference Unknown
Burial location
Nijmegen, Jonkerbosch War Cemetery, Netherlands
Grave number 17-G-2
Graves overview
Miscellaneous information
Personal notes

Mark Azouz made 4 supply flights over Arnhem in his Stirling III LK557, taking off from Keevil on the 17th at 10.55 and returning at 16.00; from Wethersfield on the 18th at 11.50 towing a Horsa, returning at 17.25; on the 19th at 13.10, returning at 18.20 having dropped 24 containers and 4 panniers but sustaining damage from light and heavy flak at the TRV and LZ. According to his log an entry of Sept. 19th states, \\\"Re-supply containers (Glider, Operation Market - Arnhem). Badly hit by flak - counted 27 holes\\\" His last flght was on the 21st in LJ810, leaving at 12.00 dropping a similar load at Arnhem and hit by flak - but he was attacked by 3 to 5 FW 109\\'s and shot down at 14.15 and was killed. He kept the plane in the air whilst all but one of his crew (the rear gunner) escaped. He was originally buried at Nieuweweg alongside the house of Mr J van Uum at Wijchen, Holland.


Mark Azouz, WOff
Personal information
Age 22
Nationality British
Date / place of birth Unknown
Genealogy Son of Ralph and Esta Azouz, of Chiswick, Middlesex, U.K.
Military information
Army Number 1398796
Rank WOff
Function Pilot
Platoon / Troop / Flight Unknown
Company / Squadron 196 Squadron
Unit / Group Unknown
Division / Transport / Command Unknown
Regiment Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Distinguished Flying Cross
Death information
Died when 21-9-1944
Died where Niftrik
Spot Between Niftrik and Hernen
Map reference Unknown
Burial location
Nijmegen, Jonkerbosch War Cemetery, Netherlands
Grave number 17-G-2
Graves overview
Miscellaneous information
Personal notes

Mark Azouz made 4 supply flights over Arnhem in his Stirling III LK557, taking off from Keevil on the 17th at 10.55 and returning at 16.00; from Wethersfield on the 18th at 11.50 towing a Horsa, returning at 17.25; on the 19th at 13.10, returning at 18.20 having dropped 24 containers and 4 panniers but sustaining damage from light and heavy flak at the TRV and LZ. According to his log an entry of Sept. 19th states, \\\"Re-supply containers (Glider, Operation Market - Arnhem). Badly hit by flak - counted 27 holes\\\" His last flght was on the 21st in LJ810, leaving at 12.00 dropping a similar load at Arnhem and hit by flak - but he was attacked by 3 to 5 FW 109\\'s and shot down at 14.15 and was killed. He kept the plane in the air whilst all but one of his crew (the rear gunner) escaped. He was originally buried at Nieuweweg alongside the house of Mr J van Uum at Wijchen, Holland.

Age: 26
United Kingdom
Age: 21
United Kingdom
Age: 28
United Kingdom
Age: 27
United Kingdom
Age: 21
United Kingdom
Age: 28
United Kingdom
Age: 21
United Kingdom
Age: 19
United Kingdom
Age: 34
United Kingdom
Age: 25
United Kingdom
Age: 22
United Kingdom
Age: 28
United Kingdom
Age: 26
United Kingdom
Age: 19
United Kingdom
Age: 21
United Kingdom