George T. Parkes, Pte.
Personal information
Age 25
Nationality British
Date / place of birth Unknown
Genealogy Son of Charles and Emily Parkes, Aston, Birmingham, U.K.
Military information
Army Number 4917974
Rank Pte.
Function Unknown
Platoon / Troop / Flight Unknown
Company / Squadron D Company
Unit / Group 1st Airlanding Brigade 2nd Airborne Battalion
Division / Transport / Command 1st Airborne Division
Regiment South Staffordshire Regiment
Death information
Died when 19-9-1944
Died where Arnhem
Spot Onderlangs/Bovenover/St. Elisabeth Hospital
Map reference Unknown
Burial location
Oosterbeek, War Cemetery, Netherlands
Grave number 19-C-20
Graves overview
Miscellaneous information
Personal notes

George was the eldest of 10 children of the family. He joined the South Staffords in 1939, fought in France and escaped from Duinkerken back to England. From there he went into action again in Africa and Sicily and finally at Arnhem. Just before he took off George told his sister in an emotinal conversation that he had the distinct feeling that he would not return from this operation. He was killed in the fighting in the onderlangs area close to the Monistary and the St. Elisabeth Hospital.


George T. Parkes, Pte.
Personal information
Age 25
Nationality British
Date / place of birth Unknown
Genealogy Son of Charles and Emily Parkes, Aston, Birmingham, U.K.
Military information
Army Number 4917974
Rank Pte.
Function Unknown
Platoon / Troop / Flight Unknown
Company / Squadron D Company
Unit / Group 1st Airlanding Brigade 2nd Airborne Battalion
Division / Transport / Command 1st Airborne Division
Regiment South Staffordshire Regiment
Death information
Died when 19-9-1944
Died where Arnhem
Spot Onderlangs/Bovenover/St. Elisabeth Hospital
Map reference Unknown
Burial location
Oosterbeek, War Cemetery, Netherlands
Grave number 19-C-20
Graves overview
Miscellaneous information
Personal notes

George was the eldest of 10 children of the family. He joined the South Staffords in 1939, fought in France and escaped from Duinkerken back to England. From there he went into action again in Africa and Sicily and finally at Arnhem. Just before he took off George told his sister in an emotinal conversation that he had the distinct feeling that he would not return from this operation. He was killed in the fighting in the onderlangs area close to the Monistary and the St. Elisabeth Hospital.

Age: 22
United Kingdom
Age: 21
United Kingdom
Age: 36
United Kingdom
Age: 21
United Kingdom
Age: 24
United Kingdom
Age: 18
United Kingdom
Age: 23
United Kingdom
Age: 28
United Kingdom
Age: 27
United Kingdom
Age: 21
United Kingdom
Age: 38
United Kingdom
Age: 28
United Kingdom
United States
Age: 25
United Kingdom
Age: 21
United Kingdom