James F. Johnston, Dvr.
Personal information
Age 28
Nationality British
Date / place of birth Unknown
Genealogy Son of Charles Rice Johnston and Rebecca Emily Johnston.
Military information
Army Number T-188996
Rank Dvr.
Function Air Despatcher
Platoon / Troop / Flight Unknown
Company / Squadron 253 Divisional Composite Company
Unit / Group Unknown
Division / Transport / Command Unknown
Regiment Royal Army Service Corps
Death information
Died when 21-9-1944
Died where Arnhem
Spot Woods NW of Arnhem
Map reference Unknown
Burial location
Nijmegen, Jonkerbosch War Cemetery, Netherlands
Grave number 20-J-8
Graves overview
Miscellaneous information
Personal notes

Dvr. Johnston and Dvr.Thompson both fell out the bomb hatch of Stirling LK-115. Dvr. Johnston's body was recovered in the woods NW of Arnhem in 1952.


James F. Johnston, Dvr.
Personal information
Age 28
Nationality British
Date / place of birth Unknown
Genealogy Son of Charles Rice Johnston and Rebecca Emily Johnston.
Military information
Army Number T-188996
Rank Dvr.
Function Air Despatcher
Platoon / Troop / Flight Unknown
Company / Squadron 253 Divisional Composite Company
Unit / Group Unknown
Division / Transport / Command Unknown
Regiment Royal Army Service Corps
Death information
Died when 21-9-1944
Died where Arnhem
Spot Woods NW of Arnhem
Map reference Unknown
Burial location
Nijmegen, Jonkerbosch War Cemetery, Netherlands
Grave number 20-J-8
Graves overview
Miscellaneous information
Personal notes

Dvr. Johnston and Dvr.Thompson both fell out the bomb hatch of Stirling LK-115. Dvr. Johnston's body was recovered in the woods NW of Arnhem in 1952.

Age: 25
United Kingdom
Age: 29
United Kingdom
Age: 26
United Kingdom
Age: 21
United Kingdom
Age: 21
United Kingdom
Age: 21
United Kingdom
Age: 28
United Kingdom
Age: 30
United Kingdom
Age: 21
United Kingdom
Age: 25
United Kingdom
Age: 20
United Kingdom
Age: 25
United Kingdom
Age: 21
United Kingdom
Age: 27
United Kingdom
Age: 25
United Kingdom